Thursday, September 13, 2007

Mmm Massage

In my office, we have some nice perks. There are soda fountains in all the break rooms, and there is a gym upstairs. We've got reasonable internet access. Makes it nice when I don't want to go out for lunch. Which since I carpool with my husband and he has the car, is most days. I've written all my blog entries from work so far. (Sorry I missed yesterday, just got busy with other things)
Today I took advantage of a new perk, the chair massage. Twice a week, a massage therapist comes in and sets up her things in a conference room. We pay $1 a minute to get a chair massage. Oh so very nice. I sprung for 20 minutes today. I really needed it. I am feeling much better now. My fingers are all tingly and my typing speed is suffering for it. At the moment though, I really don't care. There is still a knot in my shoulder, but it's not a big as it was. And I can turn my head without wincing. So I am going to consider that an improvement.
For anyone that does not already know, I've been in several car accidents (not my fault, apparently I am really unlucky). In all of them, my neck took the bulk of the injury. When I was in elementary school, I was doing flips in a moonwalk and got bounced in such a way that I landed on my head. All of this has resulted in degenerative disc disease between my C5 and C6 vertebrae (or neck in layman's terms). I learned this in my x-rays from my last car accident which took place in November of 2006. We were hit in the passenger side door by an idiot that decided to make a u-turn while we were beside him. I was in the passenger seat. Like I said, I'm unlucky. My doctor told me there wasn't anything I could do about it right now and gave me pain pills. Idiot. This is the age of the internet, information is only a few keystrokes away. I've yet to find a new doctor, but one thing that was recommended for DDD was massage therapy.

So I got a massage today. It was nice. Hopefully I will sleep better tonight.

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