Friday, November 16, 2007

Why won't the liberal bloggers strike too?

There is a reason that writers write and actors recite. And Steven Weber is that reason. Check out this gem from a recent posting of his.
It's the poison in the toy beads from China; it's the underfunded and underarmored soldiers in Iraq; it's the jaw dropping succession of cronies in government; it's the ping-ponging economy and the disingenuous disavowals of it's instability; it's the incessant enforced obsolescence of technology; it's the mercenaries for hire deployed to fight unnecessary wars; it's the corrupt and deceitful attorney generals; it's the abandoned hunt for the perpetrators of terror; it's the shrugging off of the anthrax scare; it's the rising oil prices; it's the housing crisis; it's the squandering of the trillion dollar surplus into the trillion dollar debt; it's the unending obfuscation and smirking and shrugging.
It's the frightening shortage of periods; it's the over use of semi-colons; it's run-on sentence that will change the world.

In one, apparently large, breath he whines about mercenaries in 'unnecessary wars' then complains about the 'abandoned hunt for the perpetrators of terror.' I think he just thumbed through his copy of Liberal Moonbat Talking Points for Dummies which he keeps with his other most treasured possession, a thesaurus. He's apparently skipping through the alphabet in search of new words. Today he read D and O but found nothing better that 'ping-ponging' when he got to P. I could go on and on, but English teachers are already vomiting on their shoes.

If this isn't proof that Hollywood needs writers, then I don't know what is. Everyone should be warned. This is what happens when you give an actor, previously relegated to no more than two syllable words in his scripts, permission to write. As Mr. Weber puts it-
They need to strike because they view the world from ground level level as opposed to lofty heights where the usurers dwell. They know that desiring the same thing their masters have in spades, that by kneecapping the creators of content, the hewers of material, the sculptors of tools, by undercutting the quality of the product in order to secure even greater yields, they would virtually ensure the end of, dare I say, all we profess to hold dear in this country.
Yeah, I could've said it better myself, but then I couldn't laugh at his pompous wording. Yes, all we hold dear. We want our entertainment, and we want it now!

Please Hollywood, pay the writers what they are worth or we will be subjected to more drivel from the actors usurping the empty writers' desks. It's too late to stop Steven Weber, but maybe this abomination of journalism could be prevented in the future.

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